Monday 12 November 2007


I've had a lovely weekend, but very busy, and so am behind on posting and commenting and things. I'll catch up soon. But to tide you over, we interrupt our regular programme of navel-gazing to bring you some actual factual content. (Only a tiny bit, don't worry.) Pablo Veron has been around at milongas while he's been working on Carmen. But on Saturday night we had not only him but also Sally Potter at Corrientes. I resisted the urge to go over and quiz her about her directorial process.

Nothing really to say about it, but it's too noteworthy an event to go unchronicled.


miss tango said...

That is totally juicy!

msHedgehog said...

I haven't been to Corrientes, should I try it?

Psyche said...

Definitely! It's one of the most civilised milongas I know - no Negracha style madness here. And the floor is gorgeous. I don't know what it's like for getting dances if you go on your own, as I've always been with my tango gang.