Tuesday, 4 November 2008


I'm officially going dark. I've written nothing for a long time, and I've noticed myself getting a little sharp here and there while responding to comments on others' blogs, which I don't like. So it's time to accept that I'm done talking about tango, adn reading about tango, and that I'm happier just dancing tango.

In the past year I've found answers to a lot of the questions I started with, and with the most important ones I've also found that I couldn't talk about them. So I mostly haven't been able to leave the breadcrumbs I hoped to leave behind me on the trail. So here is the only thing really worth saying that I'm able to put into words:

There is no right tango. Everyone has their own tango. 'Improving' is simply a question of discovering what works for you. Your style and your self-expression is every bit as valuable as Eugenia's, or Corina's, or Geraldine's.

And as there are about a million things that I can't put into words, I'm instead going to leave links to some things that have helped me along the way.
  • The Artist's Way: indispensible help for anyone doing anything creative
  • The Inner Game of Tennis: practical insight on getting in the zone, which for us equates to finding your tango zen
  • Sallycat's Adventures: Sally's not updating now, but her blog remains an inspiring read for anyone contemplating a trip to Buenos Aires, or any kind of life-changing journey
  • The Fluent Self Destuckification and coping with fear
There are many more, of course; I'll add them here as I remember them.

Goodbye blogosphere, and lovely bloggesses. May your tango journey be full of joy, discovery, and delicious embraces.


Anonymous said...

Dear psyche, I shall miss our exchanges. May you continue to enjoy and flourish in tango.

Sallycat said...

Dear psyche, may your darkness be full of light!

It is so lovely to read you mention my blog here. My blog is indeed quiet for now, but I am hoping to find my way through to a future for it. Meanwhile I am enjoying the space.

You know that you set me on a new and exciting path with 'The Artist's Way' and I am ever grateful. I send you much love from Buenos Aires,


Psyche said...

Thanks guys. I'll miss you too.

Sal, I'm so glad the Artist's Way worked for you, and hope to hear the story of *that* journey too one day, when you're ready to tell it.