Friday 11 April 2008


I live in an area which is packed with antiques shops. For months I've been walking past these shops, stopping to stare at the occasional beautiful classical statue, and thinking, 'man, I wish I had one of those.' And only today did I realise that I do have them. I live here. I see them every day. Every day I walk past window after window packed with venerable furniture, exotic jewellery, splendid paintings, colourful glass. I get to see these things every day, and I don't even have to find them house room. Why did it take me so long to realise what a gift that is?

We miss so much of what we have because we don't have it in the way we think we should, or from the source we think we should, or at the time we think we should.


Red Shoes said...

You are a wise woman...I'll keep this in mind next time I'm gazing in the shop windows!

tangobaby said...

Me too. What beautiful treasures. Take more photos for us so we can window shop with you. ;-)

Psyche said...

I have to confess I didn't actually take this one - I stole it off the interweb, which is bad and wrong. The camera on my phone is crappy. It may be time to follow your example and get an iphone...

tangobaby said...

Interwebs come in very handy. It doesn't make it less of a lovely photo. (You can also give credit where credit is due, if it assuages your guilty conscience.)

My iPhone and I have settled into a comfortable relationship but it is not the love affair that it once was.

I would suggest you get a real camera if you want to take photos. The iPhone is better than what you have now, but still has its limitations as a camera.

Psyche said...

The problem with a real camera is that you have to carry it around. What with the multiple pairs of shoes and bottles of water, I don't really have room in my bag for more than one piece of tech!