Monday 24 December 2007

Ho ho ho

Merry Christmas all, or happy solstice, hannukah, divali, whatever flavour your midwinter festival is. And a happy new year: may all our tango dreams come true in it.


Sallycat said...

Hi Psyche. From Buenos Aires back to England, I've passed the baton of the tango blog tag challenge on to you. Just you and Ms Hedgehog, because I figure that the world needs to know a bit more about us folks for who England has been or still is home...
If this sounds a bit odd, read my latest blog.
Besos, Sallycat

one2tango said...

Happy new year to you, and good luck!
I´ve tagged you too, but too late:( but agree with Sally:)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Your tagging has been noted. It may be a while before I can post, though, as I´´m currently, frustratingly, without internet. (Not coping very well with it, either.) I´m currently sitting in a locutorio, and can´t log in as I can´t work out how to get the at symbol on this keyboard - I see it next to the 2, but how I produce it I have no idea. Cross your fingers for me that I can get connected soon!
